Transform Your Love Story in 6 Weeks:
Join Our Digital Dating Tribe for Love, Confidence, and Connection!
Welcome to “Making Online Dating Magical!”
Settle in Mama. Just think of this as meeting once a week with me on a big red comfy couch. I went from feeling like I would be partnerless for the rest of my life to meeting the love of my life in less than 2 months of online dating, all with 2 kids (one of whom has intense special needs) in tow. I’ve been interviewed in Newsweek more than once on just how I did it and now I want to share the golden nuggets of online dating with YOU!
We are going to cover all the goods on online dating…starting with how what app you use doesn’t make a lick of difference.
This group coaching program will meet once a week. You will get 30 minutes of intimate lessons from me and 30 minutes of discussion time with your cohort.
You may come in feeling worthless, but you will leave feeling like a TIGRESS!
Topics we will cover:
Self Appreciation and Mindset Shifts-Learning how you see yourself matters and how you view your odds makes or breaks your online dating experience.
Rituals and Negativity Release-You’re made of stardust…friggin celestial, so let’s harness some of that magic. It won’t work if you’re holding onto anger at exes or yourself.
Practical Lessons-Staying safe on those first dates. Lessons on attachment. What’s been holding you back?
Crashcourse in Self-Pleasure Feminist Icons-I’ve got a list of powerful women and their books that helped me find my inner sex goddess and now so will you!
Dating Yourself/Passion Exploration-Want to be more successful dating others? Ya gotta know you and what you really want better. Let’s explore your needs, desires, joys, and see what sort of relationship will complement your future vision of YOU!
Profile Creation and Getting to Dating-We will examine a few profile no-no’s, how your pictures tell a story (is it one you meant to share?) and I’ll share some tips for getting ready for those first dates.
Before you know it, our time will be up and you’ll be ready to fly Mama Jeni’s coop and go make some dating magic of your own.
So, what’s included in the program?
Zoom calls once a week for 6 weeks (30 min lesson and 30 min discussion
The encouragement of the ladies in your cohort (Fellow Magical Unicorn Tigresses!)
Support and encouragement and ideas to chew on for weeks and weeks beyond the program
Your financial commitment: $350.00 for the whole shebang
Click here to sign up. Spots are limited.

Now for
April 2024
Now for
April 2024